This was made at our house last Saturday. I haven't updated the blog in awhile. Hawk is doing so good right now. He looks good and feels great. All of his hair has grown back out that he lost during radiation.
He has taken several trips. He's been to North Carolina twice, he's been on a train ride with his Dad, he's been to the zoo. He went on a camping trip with Jamie. Hawk really enjoys all of it.
At his last MRI, the tumor stayed the same (has shrunk by 25%). We are so thankful for this. He goes for his next MRI in August. PLEASE PRAY THAT IT WILL SHRINK SOME MORE OR GO COMPLETELY AWAY.
He is just a precious little boy. He laughs at everything. Mike and I get more tickled watching him laugh than we do at what he's laughing about. Skyla tries to do everything that Hawk does. It is so cute to watch her trying to do everything like he does. She is learning a lot from her big brother.