Week of Sunday 16th through Saturday 22nd.
Hawk woke up on Sunday complaining of a headache. His grandpa Ken told us about it at church.
This has us very concerned. Hawk and Skyla came home with us after church. On Monday he complained of a headache again. And again on Tuesday. Lindy called me on Tuesday and said that she was going to take him to the doctor and would I come over and get Skyla. I went to get Skyla.
Barbara had Hawk and Lindy wasn't able to contact her, so she decided to take him in to the doctor the next day. She brought Hawk on over to our house and he and Skyla spent the night with us.
The next morning, Lindy came by and got Hawk and I kept Skyla. The doctor said that Hawk looks great, but decided to take his MRI now instead of waiting until August. Lindy brought Hawk back and he wanted to spend the night again. We told him it was okay. Skyla went home with Lindy. At around 8:00 pm Hawk decided that he wanted to go home, so I took him home.
He and Skyla came back on Friday night and spent the night. Breanna and Brooke came over and played with them. When he and Breanna saw each other, they hugged and hugged. They love being together.
They were playing hide and seek under our bed and when we would find Hawk, he and Breanna told us that it really wasn't Hawk that it was only a statute of him, that Hawk had left. Anyway, the next day Hawk was playing hide and seek with Mike and I and Skyla (Breanna had gone home) and when we would find him (Skyla always shows us where he is ) he told us that it was only a statute of him. Once he told us that the real Hawk had gone to North Carolina and once he told us that he had gone to Disney World and the last time he told us that he had gone to Heaven.
Lindy took him to the doctor on Monday the 24th for his MRI. We will get the results on Thursday the 27th. He hasn't complained of a headache anymore. We pray that everything will be okay. He looks so good right now and feels so good, that it is hard to look at him and think that there is something so terribly wrong with him. I've been really depressed this week thinking about all of it.
Anyway, Hawk will start kindergarten on August 2nd. We are very thankful. When he was first diagnosed, we weren't sure if he would be able to start kindergarten or not. We are so grateful for the prayers said for him. We just pray that he will continue to do good and that the tumor will stay shrunken. Everytime I watch him play, I pray that he will be healed.
I will post on this blog on Thursday the results of his MRI.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
These pictures were made at the Sounds baseball game. The Sounds donated a skybox and $100. worth of food for Hawk and his family. The skybox was so nice. It was airconditioned and very comfortable. Everyone who attended were: Mike and I and Kayla, Jamie, Hawk and Skyla, Kevin, Tuesday, Breanna and Brooke and our good friends Charlie and Frances Parson. We all had a good time. Hawk really enjoyed being with his cousins and little sister. The Sounds lost the ballgame, but it was still fun to watch. After the ballgame they had a fireworks display. The children really enjoyed that.
Skyla wasn't in this picture because she was a little afraid of the moscot. Pa Pa held her for the other picture, but she still wasn't too sure of it all.
Breanna is wearing a patch on her left eye to help the right one become stronger.

Jamie had the children from July 1st through the 4th. We all went to the ballgame on the 1st. On Sunday he took them to his house and they went swimming at his friends house. On Monday the 3rd they went camping at Kevin and Tuesday's neighbor. These are pictures made at the campsite. Hawk has been camping before, but this was Skyla's first camping trip. She did great. When it came time to go to bed, she crawled into her tent and went to sleep and slept all night
Then on the 4th they went swimming at Kevin and Tuesday's. Jamie took them back home late that night. Hawk is doing so good right now. We pray that he will continue to do good and beat the odds with this tumor. I pray everyday that he will be healed.
Please pray for Shaylee McDonald. She is a little five year old that was diagnosed with the same tumor at the time Hawk was. They took their treatments at the same time. She is very very sick right now. Hospice is coming to her house. Please pray for her and her family.
Skyla at the campsite. She had a great time. Kevin and Tuesday and Breanna also camped with them and some of their friends. Brooke went to her own house and slept in her bed. Her grandparents from Florida kept her at her house.
Hawk will go back for his next MRI in August. He looks so good and feel so good right now. We are praying that the tumor will continue to be shrunken or completely gone.
We usually get them during the week and almost every Sunday afternoon. They came home with us after church on Sunday. Charlie and Frances came over and we went to Chili's for lunch. This is where Hawk wanted to go. After lunch we came back to our house and played with them.
Hawk wanted to play Chutes and Ladders, only 4 can play, so Hawk, Mike, Frances and Charlie played Chutes and Ladders. Hawk won (he always wins). Skyla was taking a nap.
We took them home at around 6:00 p.m.
Hawk wanted us to stay for awhile. We stayed for awhile and he showed us his new toys and his new riding toy ( a bulldozier that he peddles)
He showed us how fast he can go down his slide and how fast he can ride his bulldozier. He rides it down his driveway and then makes a sharp turn either to the right or left.
Then Skyla showed us how she rides her little ride. She holds her feet up and goes down the sidewalk until she gets to the end, then she puts her feet down and stops herself.
She always tries to do everything that Hawk does.
Hawk woke up on Sunday with a headache, so this has us a little concerned. But other than that he feels great most of the time.
Thanks for all of your prayers for him and his family.

Breanna is wearing a patch on her left eye to help the right one become stronger.

Jamie had the children from July 1st through the 4th. We all went to the ballgame on the 1st. On Sunday he took them to his house and they went swimming at his friends house. On Monday the 3rd they went camping at Kevin and Tuesday's neighbor. These are pictures made at the campsite. Hawk has been camping before, but this was Skyla's first camping trip. She did great. When it came time to go to bed, she crawled into her tent and went to sleep and slept all night
Then on the 4th they went swimming at Kevin and Tuesday's. Jamie took them back home late that night. Hawk is doing so good right now. We pray that he will continue to do good and beat the odds with this tumor. I pray everyday that he will be healed.
Please pray for Shaylee McDonald. She is a little five year old that was diagnosed with the same tumor at the time Hawk was. They took their treatments at the same time. She is very very sick right now. Hospice is coming to her house. Please pray for her and her family.
Skyla at the campsite. She had a great time. Kevin and Tuesday and Breanna also camped with them and some of their friends. Brooke went to her own house and slept in her bed. Her grandparents from Florida kept her at her house.
Hawk will go back for his next MRI in August. He looks so good and feel so good right now. We are praying that the tumor will continue to be shrunken or completely gone.
We usually get them during the week and almost every Sunday afternoon. They came home with us after church on Sunday. Charlie and Frances came over and we went to Chili's for lunch. This is where Hawk wanted to go. After lunch we came back to our house and played with them.
Hawk wanted to play Chutes and Ladders, only 4 can play, so Hawk, Mike, Frances and Charlie played Chutes and Ladders. Hawk won (he always wins). Skyla was taking a nap.
We took them home at around 6:00 p.m.
Hawk wanted us to stay for awhile. We stayed for awhile and he showed us his new toys and his new riding toy ( a bulldozier that he peddles)
He showed us how fast he can go down his slide and how fast he can ride his bulldozier. He rides it down his driveway and then makes a sharp turn either to the right or left.
Then Skyla showed us how she rides her little ride. She holds her feet up and goes down the sidewalk until she gets to the end, then she puts her feet down and stops herself.
She always tries to do everything that Hawk does.
Hawk woke up on Sunday with a headache, so this has us a little concerned. But other than that he feels great most of the time.
Thanks for all of your prayers for him and his family.
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