Tuesday, December 02, 2008
I felt so depressed about decorating for Christmas and then I decided to at least go through the motions. And so Mike and I put up the tree and put out the decorations and Mike decorated the trees and house on the outside. Brooke stayed with us for a few days and she helped. She was so excited about helping us with the decorations. She had remembered some of the globes that I had out last year and she wanted to see them. I am so thankful for our grandchildren. I don't know how we would have gotten through all of this with Hawk, if it hadn't been for them. Brooke and Skyla talk about him all the time. Breanna has the most memories of him, because she was older when he passed away. She talks about him a lot and misses him a lot.
There is so much pain and hurt left in our family because of Hawk dying. I know he is in a better place, but we miss him so much.
Monday, June 23, 2008

Our driver, Marla. She did a wonderful job of driving the bus.
She got that bus out of some tight places that some of us thought she might not do, but she always did.

Peggy and her grandson Christopher. He was the youngest person on the bus. They sat across the aisle from us. Mike and I and Charlie and Frances sat in the back across from them. Our seats were turned to face each other and there was a small table between us.
Peggy has a great sense of humor. She kept us laughing and was a lot of fun. She was a great person to be taking a long trip with. Christopher had an Ipod with lots of songs on it and one with lots of movies on it. He listened to music and watched his movies a lot. He was very knowledgeable of the area we were traveling in. If we had a question about something we saw, he could usually answer it. Left Mt Juliet, Tn on Friday, May 30 at 8:00 am. Stopped every few hours for a break, usually at a Loves truck stop. Watched 2 movies that day. Ate dinner at Luby's Cafeteria in Little Rock, Ark. Spent the night in Sallisaw, Ok. Got up the next morning and left for Oklahoma City. At 10:30 we stopped at a rest stop and met a woman from Lawrenceburg, Tn (our home county). She and her husband drive a tractor trailor to California and back every week. It is a small world.
Our first stop was the Oklahoma City National Memorial. The April 19, 1995, Oklahoma City bombing changed our nation and our world. It was the costliest act of terrorism up to that time on American soil. 168 people were killed, including 19 children--more than 700 injured--it involved thousands of rescuers.
This wall is made up of different things that children sent to the memorial. There are handprints, drawings, etc.
Charlie and Frances in front of the rows of chairs in memory of the people who were killed that day. Each row represents the floor they were on when the bombing happened. Each persons name is engraved on each chair. The second row of chairs are smaller than the others. That is where the Day Care was. These are the chairs representing the children who were killed.

On of Amarillo, Tx. more popular attractions is Cadillac Ranch, where ten vintage Cadillacs were buried with their tail fins in the air by Stanly Marsh 111. People stop and spray paint the cars.
Taken outside of the restaurant. This was at the corner of the old Route 66 and the new Route 66. We traveled along the old Route 66 most of the way out there. Some of the old road is not passable now and some of it is part of I-40. We saw the teepee motel that is on Route 66. We were amazed at the terrain out there. In Texas and New Mexico, we drove for 25 or 30 miles and only see one little house. In New Mexico we would see miles of flat desert with no grass and then all of a sudden there would be a huge mountain of solid rock.
A post card of Route 66.
These are horned mountain goats. We were on the tour bus going to Hoover Dam. Our guide told us that if we saw these goats, then we would have luck at the casino in Las Vegas that night. I won $60. that night which is a lot for me.
The Hoover Dam. This is an amazing thing to see. It was amazing to me that they went down in the middle of this huge solid rock mountain and made this dam on the Colorado River.
After we left the Hoover Dam, we went back to Las Vegas.
One of the buildings in Las Vegas.
All of the casinos were huge. Las Vegas is a very busy place. Their are cars, buses and people everywhere. They have a monorail system that takes you from casino to casino. Mike and I found out that that is the best way to travel in Las Vegas. We were more interested in seeing the sights than gambling. We spent very little money playing the slot machines and I won $60.
The lights of Vegas at night. We were on a schedule, so we didn't get to see many of the sights of Vegas. I would like to go back some time and stay longer at Vegas and at the Grand Canyon.
Inside Caesar Palace. This is a huge place. The ceiling is painted to look like the sky. It looks like you have entered the ancient city of Rome when you go in Caesars palace. It is very beautiful.
The shops in Caesars Palace.
Thursday June 05, 2008, we arrived at the Grand Canyon. It is the most awesome site I've ever seen. Pictures and movies don't do it justice. I kept hearing things like awesome, amazing, incredible etc. It is one of the 7 natural wonders of the world and now I know why. Words can't describe how incredible it is. I almost cried when I saw it. It is an amazing site. Nothing manmade could ever compare to what God can make.
Mike and I in front of the Grand Canyon.
A close up of the Colorado River at the bottom of the Grand Canyon
Another view of the Grand Canyon
Another view of the Grand Canyon. The little bitty white line is the Colorado River. The Grand Canyon is a mile deep and over 240 miles long.

This was made at The Amarillo Botanical Gardens on the way back on Sat June 7.
We really enjoyed this trip. My favorite sites were the Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon. Some of the animals we saw were a prong horned antelope in Arizona. Elk in Oklahoma and the horned mountain goats in Boulder City, NV.
We were amazed at how different the scenery is out there. Mike and I had never been further west than Little Rock, Ark. The vastness of everything. We would go for 20 or 30 miles and not see a house. The desert had no grass, just little bushes. The long trains in New Mexico. The windmills in Texas. We saw the Petrified Forest and The Painted Desert. The huge mountains of solid rock. But the absolute most amazing site was the Grand Canyon.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

On the left Jamie and Hawk when Hawk was 2 years old
We thought of you with love today But that is nothing new....We thought about you yesterday and the days before that too..We think of you in silence. We often speak your name. All we have now are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never part.God has you in his keeping , we have you in our hearts. A thousand times we cried. If love alone could have saved you you never would have died. In life we loved you dearly in death we love you still. In our hearts you hold a place no one could ever fill. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn't go alone.For a part of us went with you the day God took you home. Hawk, we miss you terribly. We'll always love you.
Breanna, Brooke and Skyla talk of you all the time.
On the left, Chris and Kayla. Kayla will be 14 in March. She is the typical teenager, she likes to be with her friends and text message a lot.

My sister, Wanda, playing pool. She and Warren came in for a few days in January. We went to Lawrence County one day to see two of our aunts and Wanda got to see one of her childhood friends that she hadn't seen in about 20 years.

Warren and Brooke eating lunch in Lawrenceburg. Some of these pics turned out little like this. I don't know how to fix it.

Chris and Wanda listening to old albums of mine.

Brooke and Skyla on their trikes we got them for Christmas, they love to ride them. Both of them are 3.
Monday, February 04, 2008