Monday, May 12, 2008

Skyla and Brooke with umbrellas. It was coming a light rain and they wanted to continue playing outside, so we gave them umbrellas and let them continue play.
Brooke had on a "fancy dress". They love to dress up in their "fancy dresses".
Brooke had her 4th birthday party on May 3. She was 4 on April 29, but they waited until Sat. May 3 to celebrate. She had a skating party. She wouldn't wear her skates. She said that they made her nervous. Skyla wore hers and Brooke was barefooted. She walked around with Skyla on the skating rink. They stayed together the whole time. Everyone had a great time. Breanna can skate really good. Breanna and Hawk were always together and now Skyla and Brooke are always together.
We had a great Mother's Day. Everyone came to our house. It was Mike's mom, Cathy Waddle and her husband, Derald, Mike's sister, Regina and her husband Mike Carr and his mom, Carrie Carr, and their daughter, Heather Blackburn. Our sons, Chris and Wanda and Jamie and Leah and Skyla and Mike and I. We cooked hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill and had all of the trimmings. Then we played Trivia for Dummies. We had a ball with that game.