Here is a link for Chili's restaurant...dine at Chili's tomorrow and all proceeds goes to St. Jude's Hospital...
We are planning the first annual Hawk's Walk for a Cure at Fiddler's Grove, Lebanon, Tn May 1, 2010...www.icouldbeyourchild.org....Increase public awareness of Pediatric Brain Tumors (primarily DIPG) and Childhood Cancer, provide funding for research and to provide support to children and families diagnosed with a PBT.
Although Jamie and Lindy are not actively involved right now, they are very supportive of this. They both have full time jobs, so it is not as easy for them to work on it as is for me to.
Breanna is in 3rd grade. She made honor roll the first 6 weeks. Proud of Breanna. Skyla and Brooke started to kindergarten. Brooke got the most improved the first 6 weeks. Skyla and Brooke miss coming to our house during the week and we miss them coming here. We usually get them on the weekend now. Breanna spent the night on Friday night and then Brooke came last night and Breanna went home with Tuesday and we took Brooke and Skyla to church and now they are here playing.
Our youngest son, Jamie, is getting married on Oct. 10th to Leah Holt. Jamie is happy and more like himself than he's been in awhile. He and Leah started dating in Oct of 2006. We had just found out that Hawk's tumor had started growing again. Leah has been great for Jamie. Hawk loved Leah and she was very good with him and now is a great addition in Skyla's life. She and Jamie are getting married in Greeneville, Tn at her parent's house. We are all looking forward to the wedding.