Hawk is still feeling good and is happy and has his energy back.
On Monday Hawk and Skyla got back into Nashville very late from their trip to Disney World.
On Tuesday, Hawk and Skyla's Aunt Tuesday picked them up and took them home with her to spend the night.
Here is an excerpt from an e-mail that she sent:
We had a good day while Hawk and Skyla spent the night. Hawk and Breanna painted, watched wallace and gromitt and played on the computer. They talked about all the stuff they wanted to do this summer: Go swimming, going to the park, and going to the fair together. Hawk wants Breanna to ride the dragon roller coaster with him. Hawk was laughing so hard at Kevin. Kevin was letting the kids put all kinds of pillows and toys on top of him.
Skyla and Brooke lay in the bed together watching tv for a while and looking at books.
On Wednesday, Lindy came to Tuesday and Kevin's and picked up Skyla. She took Skyla with her, and Tuesday took Breanna, Hawk, and Brooke to Watertown School. They were presenting Lindy with the final check from the silent auction and entertainment they had for Lindy and Hawk. Ken was there and the reporter from the Lebanon Democrat. I came in late and stood at the back of the gym. The children of the school sang the special song for Hawk and then the principal made the presentation of the check to Lindy. It was over $36,00

These pictures are of Breanna and Hawk. They were made at Watertown School on Wednesday.
Later that afternoon, Lindy, Hawk, Skyla and Ken and newschannel 5 went to Lindy's new house for the ribbon cutting.
On Friday, Jamie and Lindy took the children to Chattanooga for Hawk to see a Doctor for alternative treatments. We are to cut out all sugar for him and he is being given vitamins and minerals to build up his immune system. Also, some more treatments that are non-invasive and intented to help him fight the cancer. He will be going to Murfreesboro once a week for these treatments.
On the way back from the clinic visit, Jamie stopped at the fireworks warehouse and told Hawk that he could pick out any fireworks he wanted. Jamie said that they had only went down about half of one aisle when Jamie had to tell him that that was enough. We shot some of the fireworks on Friday night and are saving the rest for a warmer night. Hawk and Skyla loved watching the fireworks. These are some of the things Jamie wants to do--have a fireworks display for his little son and daughter and their cousins and all of the family. This brings a lot of joy to Hawk and Skyla and to us adults who get to watch their faces light up with happiness. We are planning on having all of our family over one night for a fireworks display. Won't this make a little boy happy!!!