Sept 4, 2006---We had Hawk's 5th birthday party on Sept 4. His birthday was August 31, but we celebrated on Sept 4. Everyone had a great time. Those who attended were: Hawk's great-grandmother, Cathy Waddle and her husband, Derald Waddle and their Maltese puppy, Snowball. Mike's sister and brother-in-law, Regina and Mike Carr., Our good friends, Frances and Charlie Parson, Larry and Angie Finley and their children, Autumn, Kira, and Seth., Our son and daughter-in-law, Chris and Wanda Smith and Wanda's daughter and son-in-law, Angel and Bobby Soucey and their children, McKenzie, Jenna and Brian., Pam and Gene Blair and their granddaughter, Akira., Our son and daughter-in-law, Kevin and Tuesday Smith and their children, Breanna and Brooke., Our son Jamie and his children Hawk and Skyla., And Mike and I and Kayla.
Hawk got lots of nice presents and lots of nice cards and money. He got a nice card and money from his great-uncle and great-aunt, Sammy and Debbie Smith from Loretto, Tn., He got a nice card from his great-aunt and great-uncle, Wanda and Warren Parker from Myrtle Beach, S.C., Warren bought a book of stamps and one of the stamps was of a comic book character from the 1930's. It was Hawkman. Anyway, Wanda put that stamp on Hawk's envelope because it was Hawkman.
We had lots of good food. We didn't have a birthday cake, because Hawk cannot have sugar. But I baked some organic chocolate chip cookies and everyone liked those. The children played outside with the battery operated car and 4-wheelers. They also played sack racing and the limbo. His uncle Chris and aunt Wanda got him a huge flying saucer and he and the children really enjoyed playing with that. Also, his great-aunt and uncle, Regina and Mike Carr got him a huge 3-D kite of an eagle and we were able to get it up in the air later that afternoon.
Hawk was pretty worn-out by the evening.
This is Jenna, Hawk, Autumn, a friend of theirs, Breanna, and Akira.


Hawk. Puppy Snowball is laying on the floor.

Jenna, Hawk, Breanna, and Akira, Seth in background playing video game.

Hawk, Breanna and Seth

Little Brooke with Spiderman

Frances holding Skyla

Chris, Wanda, Skyla, Hawk, McKenzie, and Akira

Hawk running, Breanna, McKenzie, Autumn and Kira

Everyone playing the limbo--Kira, friend of hers, McKenzie, Autumn, Kayla, Akira, Tuesday holding Brooke and Breanna going under

Little 5-month old Brian riding the 4-wheeler. Chris on the treehouse steps, Pam in swing, Bobby, Angel holding Brian, Jenna with doll, Wanda taking picture and Frances watching and Jamie watching

We are so thankful for how good Hawk is doing. I have absolute unwavering faith that God can heal him. We have already seen many miracles--Hawk was very sick by the time we got him to the Doctor for the first time. He went through 6 weeks of radiation and steroids with no side affects. Some children are left with some very disabling side-affects. It has been 9 months since he was first diagnosed. A lot of people with this disease do not get that long. When he was first diagnosed, we weren't sure if he would get to start kindergarten or not. Lindy said that she would have signed him up for T-ball, but she wasn't sure if he would be able to play or not. PRAISE GOD!!! That Hawk is doing so well. He feels good, he looks good, he has lots of energy and lots enthusiasm for everything and he is a typical little boy full of mischievous. And we are so HAPPY that he is doing all of this.
Thank all of you so much for all of you prayers. May God bless all of you.