Skyla, Breanna, Hawk and Brooke in front of Thomas.

Hawk and Breanna riding the train (acting silly)

Hawk(being silly) typical cute little boy and Breanna

Jamie and Skyla

Pa Pa Mike and Brooke

Hawk and Breanna

This is of Breanna taken at the lake. We have great news about her eyes. Her Doctor took the patch off of her left eye. The right eye is as strong as the left eye now. PRAISE THE LORD. She started kindergarten with the patch on. Kevin and Tuesday had prepared her for the fact that some of the children might tease her about the patch and some of them did make fun of her, but she had a great attitude about it. She said that she didn't care if they teased her or not that she just wanted her eye to get better. And now it is. The doctor said that she can get contacts at 7 years old. That is only 1 year and 1 month from now.

Breanna on her way to dance class.

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