This is a picture taken of Hawk and me when I went to his school for Grandparents Day. I had breakfast with him in his room.

WE had Hawk and Skyla on Sunday afternoon. We decided to take them to see Mike's mother, Cathy Waddle and her husband, Derald Waddle. I took this picture with me, and when we got in the car, I showed it to Hawk. He said "I love this picture." And then he said, " I love my school." He held this picture all the time we were in the car. He layed it in the seat when we got out at Nanny Cathy's. Then when we got back in the car, Hawk picked it up and held it the rest of the time he was in the car. Anyway, I gave it to him.
He said that he wished that I would come to his school and eat breakfast with him again. I told him that I couldn't come and eat breakfast, but that I would come and eat lunch sometime. He said that he wanted me to eat lunch with him everyday. Mike and I are planning on going to eat with him while Mike is on vacation, which will be the week of Thanksgiving. And I plan to eat with him some by myself.
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