Breanna (6 years old)
She and Hawk were so close. She and Brooke are the only first cousins that Hawk had. He and Breanna are only 1 year apart.
Here are some of the ways that she is dealing with the loss of Hawk: every night she tells God the things that she wants Hawk to know about her day. She tells God to tell Hawk about things she is doing in school, and things she has done at home that day, etc.
The other day, Tuesday bought some helium balloons for Breanna and Brooke for Valentine day, and she noticed that they were gone. Breanna had taken them outside and let them go up to Heaven for Hawk. Every time that Tuesday or Kevin takes Breanna to wal-mart, she buys a balloon to send up to Hawk. She asked them if she will be able to see all of the balloons that she has sent to Hawk when she gets to Heaven.
Some days she tells them that she wonders what Hawk is doing in Heaven on that day.
We all miss him so much. I will never take his pictures down, but some times it's hard to look at them. I look at them and know that we'll never take another picture of him. He will always be 5 years old. I look at his picture and it makes me miss him so much. We cannot grieve 24/7, but sometimes it is almost unbearable.
"Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope-----
We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him"
We will see Hawk again. I know this because God promises it and I believe what He promises. And I am happy for Hawk, because he is experiencing what we can only dream about.
I look at Hawk's picture every night and tell him that I love him and this seems to help a little.
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