Hawk, Breanna, and Brooke playing with the Moon Sand that Channel 4 gave him when he was on the other day. We put an old table cloth down in the sun room and they played in there with it.
Hawk can't smile anymore, but is still trying to.
He and Breanna and Brooke spent Wednesday and Wednesday night with us. They went home late this afternoon.

Hawk and Brooke in the Jeep. He tried to ride the 4-wheeler, but he couldn't keep his left foot in place, Mike put him in the Jeep and he did fine.
Just 2 weeks ago, he was riding his 4-wheeler and running and playing. We were told from the beginning that this tumor would be very rapid once it started growing again.
How do we get through this. To watch daily what this tumor is doing to Hawk. It is almost more than we can take. To see this beautiful little boy taken away from us. But we know that we have to do it and so does Hawk. But whatever happens, we will be there every step of the way with him. He is so precious. We love him so much. But as much as we love him, I know that God loves him more.

Breanna on the 4-wheeler.

Here they are in their hide-out we made for them in the living room. Later in the evening, Hawk was getting tired and not feeling very well, so he crawled into the hide-out (we put blankets all around so that it was private) Anyway, Hawk crawled into the hide-out and told us that he wanted to be alone. He lay there and went to sleep. We put Breanna and Brooke to bed and decided to let Hawk sleep where he was. I got on one couch in the living room and Mike got on the other one. We had a fire in the fireplace insert and some time in the early morning, Hawk woke up and wanted Mike to get in the floor with him and pretend that they were camping out and had a campfire. So Mike slept on the floor with Hawk in front of the fire.

Hawk and Breanna. She was so good to him. Here he was sitting in the computer chair while I was fixing them some lunch. Breanna went and got a blanket for him and got her a chair and sat beside him. She told him that anything he wanted she would get it for him. She went and got some trucks for him to play with. Then she told him that she would pray for him and she did.
At lunch, they held hands and he said the prayer.
Tomorrow Hawk gets to ride in the pacer car at the Nashville Super Speedway. Hawk gets to ride around the speedway with one of the drivers. We are going and take movies and pictures.
We would give everything we have to stop all of this from happening to Hawk, but we can't do that. We just have to pray for the strength for Hawk and all of us to get through it.
1The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.
4Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever
I am so sorry your family has to watch this happen to Hawk. It is not fair for any of these precious children. I will keep Hawk and his family in my prayers. I pray for all of the children with DIPGs. May God give you strength and hold you close.
Praying for Miracles in Ohio
My prayers and deepest sympathies are with your family at this time. Your faith will help you through this difficult time and I cannot imagine the pain you are feeling now. May the Lord bless you and ease the pain in your hearts. In Him - Dawn Sheehan
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