Hawk--3 yrs old, Mike, and Jamie.
Hawk 18 months old.
I found these pictures today in a closet that I was cleaning out. I had tried to clean it 2 times before, but couldn't do it. A lot of the clothes in it belonged to Hawk. But today I was able to clean it out. I am giving his clothes to our daughter-in-law for her two grandsons. I kept a little sweat shirt of his that he had painted a snowman on. I found these pictures in some of Jamies things that he had left here. I have never seen these pictures before. I made me some copies and I will give these to Jamie. All we have now are memories and pictures and movies. I am thankful that we have all of these things, but it's still hard to believe that he is gone.
Mike and Hawk's other grandpa, Ken went to the church today and put together some playground equipment that had been donated in Hawk's memory. A lot of people had donated money to the Children's ministry in Hawk's memory and the playground equipment was one of the things that was purchased. They were having Tuesday school at church today and after Mike and Ken got the equipment put together, the 5 year old's came out and played on it. Hawk would have liked that.
We miss him every day. But we will get through this with the Lord's help.
"I lift up mine eyes to the hills--where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the maker of heaven and earth. Psalms: 121
1 comment:
Just wanted you all to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers this day.
Jim (www.icouldbeyourchild.org)
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