This picture was taken last Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007
Breanna in front of the fall display we made.
Wednesday, Oct 10th, was Breanna's 7th birthday. We couldn't attend her b/day party, so we got her on Thursday and spent the day with her. When we picked her up, we asked her where she wanted to go eat and she said that she really wanted some gravy and biscuits, it was lunchtime, so I said we would go to Cracker Barrel. We went to Cracker Barrel and she had gravy and biscuit and a scrambled egg. Before we left there, she wanted her and Mike to sit on the porch and play a game of checkers. They played 2 games of checkers and she won both times (imagine that).
We left there and went to Comers Pumpkin Patch to get some items for our fall display. She helped us pick out some pumpkins and gourds and mums. We found some really unusual gourds. We came back to our house a different way than we usually do so that she could see some Lamas. One of our neighbors has some lamas. We also passed a cemetery. When we passed the cemetery, Breanna said, "everytime I pass a cemetery, I think of my Hawkie." We came on back to our house and fixed the fall decoration.
We asked what she wanted to do then and she decided that she wanted to go to the movie. We went to the 7 pm showing of Game Plan. It was really cute. On the way over there, she made up a little rhyme--"Breanna and nanna, they both say anna".
She spent the night with us and we really enjoyed spending time with her. Before she went to bed, she said her prayers and she told God what to tell Hawk. She did this in private, so I don't know what she told God to tell Hawk. Every night she tells God what to tell Hawk from her. She is a sweet, precious, loving, funny, smart little girl.
Kayla and Breanna
Kayla came on Friday afternoon and spent the afternoon with us. Tuesday came and picked them up and Kayla spent the weekend with Kevin, Tuesday, Breanna and Brooke. She loves to be her little cousins. And they love to be with her. Kayla is a typical teenager--she likes to spend time with her friends, talk on the phone, play on the computer etc. she makes very good grades. Breanna makes all A's on her report card. Kayla told Breanna what I've been telling her since she was a little girl "Make good grades, go to college, get an education, and get a good job." I thought it was cute for her to tell her that that's what I've been telling her all of these years.
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