Skyla getting out of the water. Mike, Kevin, and Kayla in the background.

Hawk playing in the water.
Hawk really likes kindergarten. He has been going to The Learning Center since he was little, so it isn't very much different for him. He said that he really likes kindergarten because they have 2 BIG slides.
He and Skyla are coming over tomorrow to spend the weekend. Jamie is coming over here to stay with them.
Things he likes to do while here: Ride his 4-wheeler (battery operated). We have 2 4-wheelers and a red jeep (all battery operated) so that all of the grandchildren have something to ride. We have a small sunk in place beside the driveway, so last weekend Hawk kept coming in the house and getting water and taking out there to the small sunken place. Finally, he had made a mudhole and then he rode his 4-wheeler over and over it. He told us that his Dad (Jamie) told him that it wasn't a 4-wheeler unless it had mud on the tires. He likes to play computer games. He likes Thomas the Train and Reader Rabbit pre-school. He likes the Disney TV video game. He really likes Donald Duck golf. He has gotten really good at it. We have to give Skyla a control, so that she thinks she is playing also. He likes the board game, Dora the Explorer Chutes and Ladders, he loves to go downstairs and play on the pool table. He gets on the pool table and rolls the balls into the pockets. All of the grandchildren(except Kayla who is 12) do this. He usually tries to do all of this and more while he is here. He is always in a good mood and has a lot of enthusiam for everything. Skyla usually does all of it also.

Hawk's 2-year old cousin, Brooke. She stayed with me while her mommy was working.

Another picture of Brooke. Her big sister, Breanna(on the right) also started to kindergarten last week. Breanna also really likes kindergarten. She really wanted to get the Best Rester Award. So today she was very still and quiet during rest time and she got the Best Rester Award today.
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