Sunday July 30, 2006
Pa Pa Mike letting Hawk drive the lawn mower. Hawk likes to drive by himself. The blades are not engaged and he goes very slow.
Mike walks along beside Hawk.
We cherish every day we have with him.

Another view of Hawk on lawn mower.
He is just a precious little boy.
He and Skyla and Kayla spent the night on Saturday. Kayla is staying for the whole week, but we took Hawk and Skyla back home on Sunday night.
Hawk started kindergarten today (Tuesday, August 2, 2006). We are so thankful at how well he is doing. When he was first diagnosed with this terrible disease, we weren't sure is he would start kindergarten or not. PRAISE GOD.

Kayla and Skyla sitting on front porch.
Kayla was taking movies of Hawk on lawn mower.
Pa Pa offered to ride Skyla on mower, but that was too much for her.

Sweet little Skyla.
She was sitting there letting Nana take her picture.
She tries to do everything that Hawk does. It is so cute to watch her with him.

Saturday, July 29, 2006
We picked Hawk and Skyla up and took them to the lake on Saturday.
Mike's mom (Cathy Waddle and her husband Derald) have a houseboat on Center Hill Lake.
We took Hawk, Skyla, and Kayla up there on Saturday. Kevin came up with Breanna. Mike's mom and her husband, his sister, Regina and her husband Mike Carr, their daughter, Heather and her husband, Brit Blackburn and his daughter, Sydney and Brit's mother and Mike Carr's mother were there. We were celebrating birthday's in July and August. This is Skyla eating a chocolate cupcake.

Sydney, Brenna, Hawk, and Papa Mike getting out of the water and back on houseboat.

Hawk anticipating going down the slide. He finally decided against it.
Breanna loved the slide.
Everyone had a great time. Hawk got to ride one of the SeaDoos with Papa Mike and Breanna rode on one with Kevin. Kayla rode on one with Mike also.
Skyla played in the water and on the houseboat.
Hawk, Breanna, Sydney and Kayla got to ride in the ski boat also.

Since Hawk's birthday is the end of this month, Regina decided to celebrate his birthday on Saturday with everyone else. We will have another birthday party for him on his birthday, August 31, 2006. We were celebrating Regina's, Heather's, Sydney's, and Mrs. Blackburn's and Hawk's.
Now Hawk thinks her is already 5. We tried to explain to him that he isn't 5 yet, but he insisted that he is. I guess he'll just be 5 again on August 31. All the way up to the boat and back, he talked and talked. I'm going to start taking a tape recorder with me and record the things he is saying. He is so precious and we love him so much!!! I pray everyday that he will be healed. He and Breanna love each so much. There is only a year difference in their ages. She is so good to him. She says that whatever Hawk wants to do, then that is what she wants to do. Kevin and Tuesday have told her how sick Hawk is. She told me one day that if Hawk doesn't get well, then he will be in Heaven and she can always talk to him. She said that if her friends saw her talking and wanted to know what she was doing, then she would just tell them that she was talking to Hawk.
The little girl, Shaylee McDonald, who was taking treatments with Hawk, is very ill. Hospice is coming in every day. Her grandmother says that she just lies in the recliner every day. She loves when the mail comes because she gets lots of cards.
We've all been put on a path that we have to see through. I just want time to stand still for awhile, but I know that it won't. Our world fell out from under us on December 15, 2005. That's the day that Hawk was diagnosed with this terrible disease. The tumor is still there. Until it goes completely away, we will just hold our breath every time he goes for his MRI. We just pray that it will go away and give us more time with Hawk.
My prayers are with you. I really want to get more people praying if you dont mind. I know that there is power in prayer.
God Bless you. I am praying for you also... that you are comforted just as HAwk is.
God IS big enough
I hopped over here from Steve's.
I want you to know that you will get more time with Hawk. No matter what, you will get more time with him. It may be at the lake. It may be at the crystal sea. But either way the best is yet to come.
I'm praying for Hawk. I'm praying for you. God is going to bless the lot of you. You can depend on that.
I am one of those praying for you. I found your web site on Steve's page. Hawk, Happy Early Birthday! You and I share the same birthday. Although I am conciderably older then you, it is a special day and I'm happy to share it with you.
Always remember that Jesus Loves You!
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