Hawk hitting a golf ball in our front yard. Being a typical little boy and sticking out his tongue for the camera.
Jamie couldn't get over how well Hawk can hit a golf ball. He is very athletic. I am not a Nanna bragging on her grandson, but a lot of people have commented on how well Hawk can throw a ball and bat a ball and hit a golf ball. He is just very talented with anything to do with sports.

Mike, Jamie and Skyla playing putt-putt. We have a new Sports Center in Lebanon. It is very nice. Hawk had been there before and really wanted us to go. So we went Saturday night.

Hawk fishing his ball out of the water. It just happened to go into the water several times, so that he could get it out again.

Hawk and Skyla waiting for the rest of us.

Hawk playing air hockey with Mike and Skyla. Skyla wanted to play even though she wasn't big enough to reach the table.

Mike helping Skyla play air hockey.
Hawk goes back on Thursday ( Aug. 17, 2006) for his next MRI. Please pray that it will shrink some more or go away. We will get the results on Aug. 24. I will post the results.
On the way to play putt-putt, Hawk was riding with Mike and I and Skyla was riding with Jamie. We got in front of Jamie and Skyla, this always tickles Hawk, if the car he is in beats the other one.

Skyla riding Fancy. We had so much fun with them on Saturday and Saturday night. After we left the Sports Center, Jamie took them home with him
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