Friday, July 13, 2007

These are pictures of Breanna's Kindergarten graduation. She will be in 1st grade now!!! Way to go Breanna!!
It was a very cute ceremony. They had the 8th grade ceremony first and then the kindergarten. After the ceremonies, they had a reception for everyone. All of the children got a helium balloon. Breanna went outside and let her's go up for Hawk. Any time she has a helium balloon, she lets it go for Hawk. She wants to know if she'll see all of those balloons in Heaven when she sees Hawk someday. Who knows, maybe she will. I think she will see them.
She and Brooke spent the week with us two weeks ago. We went to Wal-mart one day and bought a balloon and went to Hawk's grave and let it go for him. It went all the way up and completely our of sight.
All of these things are bittersweet. Hawk was supposed to graduate from kindergarten this year also. Even though he and Breanna were a year apart, she started to kindergarten the same year that he did because of when her birthday was. They would have been in the same grade all of the way through school. But that was not meant to be. When we make our plans, we should say: "If it is the Lord's will."
My thinking as of right now: I will not pray for a miracle again. I will pray the Lord's Prayer--Thy Will not mine be done. I will humble myself and pray for God's will to be done and let it go.
We all need prayer, but if anyone is ever praying for me, I want them to pray the Lord's Prayer and go on. A lot of people prayed for Hawk, but it was not God's will for him to stay here. God is all knowing and has infinite wisdom. I have accepted that, but we still grieve and hurt because Hawk is not here. I'm glad that I don't run the world, because it would be in a mess if I did. God's will be done in all things.
Breanna and Brooke spent a few days with us this week. We took them to the Opry Mills Build-A-Bear. We had taken Hawk and Breanna when they were 4 and 3 and they had made a puppy apiece. This time we took Breanna and Brooke. Brooke was with us the first time, but she was only a few months old, so this was her first time to get to make an animal. they both picked out a bunny rabbit. Breanna's is a darker brown and is bigger than Brooke's. They really enjoyed making them and picking out some clothes for them. Breanna named her's Brownie and Brooke named her's Pinky. After we got the bunnies, we took the girls to The Rain Forest for lunch. They really enjoyed that. There is a huge carousel at the Food Court inside the mall, so we let them ride that.
After we got home, we noticed that Breanna's bunny's voice wasn't working anymore, so we got back in the minivan and went back to Opry Mills and got that replaced and they rode the carousel again. Anyway, everything is working fine with their bunnies now.
We plan on getting Skyla one day this week and taking her to Build-A-Bear. Maybe I can get pictures of all of them with their animals.
Breanna has lost 2 teeth, so now Brooke (3) thinks that her teeth will fall out. The other day she looked at Mike and asked him if her teeth were getting loose. And then she wanted to know if his teeth were getting loose. She is so cute. They all are. All of them keep us laughing. They are a joy to have around.

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